Denver, Colorado

Education and CV

Education and CV


Sturm College of Law - 2017-2020

Sturm College of Law


University of Denver

Juris Doctorate

Humboldt State University - 2012-2016

Humboldt State University


California State University

B.S. Env't Planning & Nat. Resource Mgmt.
Minor - Water Resource Policy
Minor - Geospatial Analysis

Sierra College - 2009-2011

Sierra College


Truckee Campus

Curriculum Vitae

Select Courses

  • Administrative Law
  • Environmental Law
  • Public Lands Law
  • Env’t Planning for Public Lands
  • Navigating NEPA
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Advanced Legal Research and Writing
  • Grant Proposal Writing
  • Panetta Leadership Training
  • Environmental Conflict Resolution
  • Political Advocacy
  • Water Law
  • Water Transactions Seminar
  • Water Politics
  • Wetland Soils
  • Hydrology and Watershed Mgmt.
  • Coastal and Marine Management
  • Environmental Communication
  • Planning and Writing for Visual Media
  • Web Design
  • Advanced Cartographic Design
  • Intermediate GIS
  • Land Use Law
  • Local Government Planning
  • Environmental Justice Law
  • Governance, Transparency and Privacy Seminar
  • Natural Resource Economics
  • Ecosystem Analysis
  • Urban Wildlife Ecology
  • Plant Taxonomy
  • Administrative Law
  • Environmental Law
  • Public Lands Law
  • Env’t Planning for Public Lands
  • Navigating NEPA
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Environmental Conflict Resolution
  • Advanced Legal Research and Writing
  • Grant Proposal Writing
  • Panetta Leadership Training
  • Political Advocacy
  • Environmental Justice Law
  • Natural Resource Economics
  • Ecosystem Analysis
  • Plant Taxonomy
  • Urban Wildlife Ecology
  • Land Use Law
  • Local Government Planning
  • Governance, Transparency and Privacy Seminar
  • Water Law
  • Water Transactions Seminar
  • Water Politics
  • Wetland Soils
  • Hydrology and Watershed Mgmt.
  • Coastal and Marine Management
  • Environmental Communication
  • Planning and Writing for Visual Media
  • Web Design
  • Advanced Cartographic Design
  • Intermediate GIS
  • Land Use Law
  • Local Government Planning
  • Governance, Transparency and Privacy Seminar
  • Administrative Law
  • Public Lands Law
  • Env’t Planning for Public Lands
  • Navigating NEPA
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Environmental Law
  • Environmental Conflict Resolution
  • Ecosystem Analysis
  • Environmental Justice Seminar
  • Panetta Leadership Training
  • Political Advocacy
  • Water Law
  • Water Transactions Seminar
  • Water Politics
  • Wetland Soils
  • Hydrology and Watershed Mgmt.
  • Coastal and Marine Management
  • Advanced Legal Research and Writing
  • Grant Proposal Writing
  • Planning and Writing for Visual Media
  • Environmental Communication
  • Advanced Cartographic Design
  • Web Design


Leadership Trainings

The Panetta Institute for Public Policy

Leadership in Education Seminar

Certificate - 2014
  • Leadership Program. Developed leadership skills under former Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta while interacting with diverse group of prominent political and organizational leaders.
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North Lake Tahoe-Truckee Leadership Program

Certificate - 2007-2008
  • Leadership and Community Development Training. Studied leadership and negotiation tactics under a professional mediator and interfaced with various leaders throughout the Lake Tahoe region.
  • Team Project. Worked with a small team to devise and conduct a qualitative study for indicators of nonprofit success in the Tahoe/Truckee region.
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