Denver, Colorado

Resumé for Jerry Dinzes

Resumé for Jerry Dinzes

Professional Experience

Political and Media Consultant

Independent Contractor - 2021-Current
  • Regulatory Compliance. Advising local candidate on campaign finance compliance. 
  • Web Media and Digital Communications. Developed and maintaining candidate website and integrated communication systems using MailChimp and Google Forms. 
  • Political Strategy. Consulting on the development of an issue based campaign strategy.
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Sturm College of Law

Prof. Tom. I. Romero, II 

Research Assistant - 2019
  • Environmental Justice and Public Health. Researched water contamination issues in Adams County, CO. 
  • Water Rights Law. Identified chain of title and municipal water rights. 
  • Data Management and Analysis. Conducted a water supply analysis to determine validity of community claims that South Adams County WSD was mismanaging for chemical contaminants.
  • Archival Research. Conducted archival research into water contamination events in Denver, CO.
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Sturm College of Law

Prof. John Bliss

Research Assistant - 2018-2019
  • Property Law and Civil Rights. Researched racially restrictive covenants in Los Angeles, CA.
  • Citation Review. Reviewed scholarship citations and footnotes.
  • Archival Legal Research. Identified relevant cases and acquired records via the California Archives.
  • Archival Social Research. Conducted a historic review of journals and news sources.
  • GIS Analysis. Mapped historic segregation trends in urban centers from 1920 to 1950.
  • Exhibit Illustration. Illustrated plat map to convey the historic presence of racially restricted covenants and neighborhood demographics (relating to historic case review).
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Associated Students of HSU

Independent Public Benefit Corporation

Policy Advisor (Internship) - 2016
CEO/President - 2014-2015
External Affairs Officer - 2014
Board Member - 2013
  • Drafting Board Policy and Professional Memoranda: Drafted bylaws amendments, authored board resolutions, and prepared organizational memos. Aided students in drafting materials to present to the board.
    • Rewriting Personnel Codes. Worked with board leadership to draft policy that would overhaul then-existing personnel practices, reducing unnecessary liabilities (from improper pension plan enrollment) and ensuring board control over corporate affairs. 
  • Interviewing Student Committee/Board Applicants: As President/CEO, interviewed upwards of 75 students for appointment to a range of committees and subboards, and to HSU’s endowment board.
  • Overseeing Budget Development:
    • Internal Budget Development: Worked with our staff to prepare the organization’s $1 million spending budget and presented it to the Board for consideration. 
    • External Budget Development: Worked with our staff to draft HSU’s instructionally related activities (IRA) budget, and chaired IRA meetings and the line item review of the budget.
  • Serving on External Committees: Served on prominent campus boards and committees, including the Academic Senate, the University Budget Committee, and the 2020 Strategic Plan Steering Committee.
  • Involvement at the State Legislature.
    • Organizing Student Lobbies: Trained students in lobby basics and legislative databases. Scheduled lobby visits with California legislators and transported students to the Capitol.
    • Facilitating Student Testimony on Campus Based Sexual Assault: Coordinated with students from the University of California (“UC”) Berkeley and UC Davis in order to provide HSU student advocates with the opportunity to testify before a Senate Hearing re: proposed legislation to address sexual assault on California campuses. At least one of these students has since become a professional lobbyist.
    • Advocating for an Open Meetings Enactment: Led a three-year attempt to update open-meetings law to improve accountability among quasi-governmental organizations in California. Worked with the office of California’s Senator Mike McGuire.
  • Organizational Accountability:
    • Promoting Corporate Compliance and Board Member Education. As CEO, retained corporate counsel and contracted for annual legal trainings in order to insure that student board members understood their legal duties to the corporation.
    • Disclosing My Communications under FOI Law: Disclosed official communications (my own) as required under public records law (and conducted business professionally in all communications).
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University Center of HSU

Independent Public Benefit Corporation

Board Chair - 2014-2015
Board Member - 2013-2014
  • Keeping the Board Informed and Facilitating Deliberations: As board chair, kept the board informed by directing staff to disclose important matters (via power to set the meeting agenda) and running orderly and fair meetings per Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • Coordinating with Staff. Regularly coordinated with the executive staff to insure organized and productive meetings.
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California State Student Association

Unincorporated Association

Nonvoting Board Seat- 2016
Board Member - 2013-2015
  • Collaborative Decisionmaking. Attended monthly meetings at different CSU campuses across California. Made meaningful contributions to the board’s decisionmaking process.
  • Public Speaking. Regularly deliberated upon pressing issues and engaged in debate before 50 to 100+ crowds. 
  • Board Policy/Resolutions. Developed organizational positions on legislation and Cal. State policies.
  • Advocating for Sunshine Practices: Reviewed and reported on open meeting practices for 90+ organizations. Lobbied for changes to California Code regarding CSU auxiliary corporations.
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Conexion de Fútbol

Sierra Mountain Soccer Club

Program Director - 2011
  • Youth Mentor. Supervised a youth soccer program for at risk students between 5th and 8th grade at Lake Tahoe.
  • Program Development. Facilitated the development of a relationship between the Sierra Mountain Soccer Club and the North Lake Tahoe Boys and Girls Club. 
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North Lake Tahoe LULAC

Cal. League of United Latin American Citizens

President - 2009-2011
  • Nonprofit Administration. Formed a local council of the California League of United Latin American Citizens.
  • Social Justice Advocacy. Provided support to a diverse community on a wide range of issues relating to education, youth resources, immigration, and employment.
  • Civil Rights & NEPA Complaints. Drafted civil rights and NEPA complaints for the State Director of LULAC.
  • U-Visa Preparation. Prepared evidence for and drafted a U-Visa application for a community member that was the victim of a serious crime. (Application was finalized by a third-party organization). 
  • Communications Design. Drafted materials for and designed a newsletter that was distributed through the community. 
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Friends of Lake Tahoe

Policy Advocate - 2010-2011
  • Nat. Resource Mgmt. Advocated for the development of a biomass plant location which would result in improved fire management and air quality in the Lake Tahoe Basin.
  • NEPA Alternative Advocacy and Administrative Complaints. Opposed Placer County’s preferred alternative and siting of facilities. Submitted a complaint to the Department of Energy Inspector General regarding flaws in Placer County’s NEPA analysis and procurement violations.
  • FOIA Requests. Submitted FOIA request regarding Placer County’s NEPA preparation.
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Neighborhood Traffic Mgmt. Plan

Kings Beach, Placer County

Focus Group Member - 2009
  • Identified solutions to address traffic problems in a residential neighborhood. Input of the focus group was incorporated into a Neighborhood Traffic Management Program that was approved by Placer County and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency in a supplemental environmental assessment to a controversial project.
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Kings Beach Business & Citizens Alliance

Board Secretary - 2007-2009
  • Nonprofit Administration. Filed for IRS identification documents and maintained organizational records, including board minutes and contact lists.
  • Public Speaking. Presented at public meetings re: transportation planning and pedestrian safety.
  • Contracting and Strategic Planning. Negotiated a traffic study contract and raised funds to offset the cost to the organization.
  • Alternative Advocacy. Advocated for a highway improvement alternative.
  • Investigative NEPA Analysis. Uncovered the manipulation of U.S. Census data within a NEPA document.
  • Multijurisdictional FOI Requests. Submitted extensive records requests under FOIA, the California Public Records Act, and the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact. 
  • Civil Rights and NEPA Complaints. Drafted NEPA complaints to the Civil Rights Division of the FHWA.
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Residential and Commercial

Carpenter & General Builder - 1999-2009
  • Reading blueprints and site plans. 
  • Submitting permit and project review applications. 
  • Maintaining customer relations.
  • Coordinating with general contractors and sub-contractors.
  • Working independently and training apprentices.
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Leadership Trainings

The Panetta Institute for Public Policy

Leadership in Education Seminar

Certificate - 2014
  • Leadership Program. Developed leadership skills under former Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta while interacting with diverse group of prominent political and organizational leaders.
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North Lake Tahoe-Truckee Leadership Program

Certificate - 2007-2008
  • Leadership and Community Development Training. Studied leadership and negotiation tactics under a professional mediator and interfaced with various leaders throughout the Lake Tahoe region.
  • Team Project. Worked with a small team to devise and conduct a qualitative study for indicators of nonprofit success in the Tahoe/Truckee region.
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