Denver, Colorado
Jerry Dinzes Maps

Data and Illustration Skills

Visual Communication

Using digital tools, from Excel to ArcMap to Adobe Illustrator, I am competent at displaying complex data in easily digestible formats. Generally, I can figure my way around digital communication platforms (e.g., WordPress, MailChimp, social media, etc.)


I am skilled in using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to transform raw GIS data into attractive presentations. (Sadly, I'm all thumbs with a stylus.) I love pastels, but know when to put bright colors to work.

GIS Mapping and Analysis

Though a bit rusty, I maintained my ArcMap skills while attending law school by mapping wells relative to environmental contamination and conducting historic land use analysis. I maintain strong skills in working with census data.

Data Management

It's been a while since I've used Adobe Access to manage data, but I've maintained a strong relationship with Microsoft Excel. I believe in file naming conventions and competently use the cloud to maintain team files.

Mapmaker and Story Teller

Little Jerry Dinzes wasn’t the most athletic kid in the class, and he certainly wasn’t the coolest. But he was the proud recipient of the Orienteering Merit Badge from the Boy Scouts of America. Ever since he could read the labels on the globe, he would spin it around and dream of all the places that he could go. When his family would take roads trips, driving from Colorado to visit grandparents on either coast, little Jerry would follow along in the Rand McNally atlas. The days of old, eh? When most of the population kept a road atlas in their vehicle.

In this modern era of web mapping and gadgets that tell us when to take a right or a left, most people have given up on the atlas. But the sacrifice is that we have lost our collective sense of direction.

Jerry wants to get humanity back on track. Maps convey not just direction, but contain messages, values, and stories. These stories may be more or less true, depending on the cartographer and the projection, but the stories are fantastic nonetheless. They provide people with a view of the world that they may not have otherwise perceived.

Whether he is wooing you with the sweet relief of the Rocky Mountains or giving meaning to statistical data that does not become apparent from staring at a spreadsheet, Jerry hopes to change your perspective and add to your world view.

Featured Illustrations

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