Denver, Colorado
The Front Range at Golden, Colorado

Mapping the Front Range

at Golden, Colorado

Relief Map

This topographic map was designed for the purpose of showing off the mesas and hogbacks along the Front Range. I also wanted to map my hometown, Golden, Colorado, where I spent a good chunk of my childhood biking and hiking around on South Table Mountain.  This map prints at 36 X 24 inches. 

The base map was designed in Adobe Photoshop. The raw spatial data used includes satellite imagery (1m) and DEMs (1/3 arc second). In ArcMap, the DEMs were used to make hillshade and slope layers. With some tweaking in Photoshop, the slope layer was able to give a look of pencil work to the steepest geological features. I have recently made some edits, tuning down the bodies of water which grabbed too much attention in the original version of this map.  
Golden, Colorado and the Front Range Map by Jerry Dinzes

2016 Original

2021 Update

Adobe Layers

Advanced Cartographic Design Seminar (2016) (rev. 2021)

Maps by Jerry Dinzes

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