Denver, Colorado
Classroom to the Capitol

Putting Data to Use from the Classroom to the Capitol

Humboldt State University Student Origins

Humboldt State University (HSU) is the most geographically isolated campus in the California State University (CSU) system, but it is neither culturally nor politically isolated from the major population hubs.  

Illustrating Student Body Connections to Legislators


I served in multiple executive officer positions with the Associated Students of HSU (AS), a campus-affiliated NGO. Over a period of three years, I planned a dozen trips to the State Capitol and facilitated a student lobby. When meeting with out-of-district legislators, a few offices had asked why a remote campus in far north California was setting up appointments with legislators in southern California. 
I developed this thematic map as a tool for establishing connections between legislative offices and our student lobbyists. While HSU is the most remote campus in the CSU system, HSU applicant origins are widely dispersed across the legislative districts of California. A complimentary tactic for establishing connections was to pair student lobbyists with legislators from their district of origin.
As the legislative ticket below was developed by student participants in our lobby program, it does not necessarily represent my personal viewpoints. My role was to provide these students with the tools and opportunity to be successful in lobbying for a legislative ticket of their own selection. The development of the ticket was a multi-week process, and each specific position required the approval of the AS Board of Directors.

Lobby Meeting Leave-Behind

As the legislative ticket below was developed by student participants in our lobby program, it does not necessarily represent my personal viewpoints. My role was to provide these students with the tools and opportunity to be successful in lobbying for a legislative ticket of their own selection. The development of the ticket was a multi-month process, and each specific position required the approval of the AS Board of Directors.

Maps by Jerry Dinzes

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