Denver, Colorado
Animated Water Use by California County
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Animating Water Use by California County

First-Last Animated Map

The amount of work I put into this project is not evident in this silly 10-second video. Initially, I prepared a large amount of data (for GIS) and vector based illustrations with the intention of producing a considerably more substantial animated map. As animated below, I intended to use this same animation concept (thematic data morphing into images) to tell the story of water use and users. But as they say, you have to know when to fold them.
My graphic Adobe skills lay mostly in Illustrator and Photoshop, but for this project I took on the challenge of using After Effects to give movement to my vector based illustrations. While Illustrator is a vector design powerhouse, I found that After Effects lacked the capacity to animate my large vector sets. The animation below works because I used illustrations built on simple vector, but it fails to wow and educate. 
This will be my first and last animated map using After Effects, unless the program is adapted to work seamlessly with vector heavy illustrator files. 
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This will be my first and last animated map using After Effects, unless the program is adapted to work seamlessly with vector heavy illustrator files. 

Advanced Cartographic Seminar (2016)

Maps by Jerry Dinzes

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