Denver, Colorado

Jerry Dinzes

Portfolio, Resume & Blog ​

I designed this website as a personable way of showing off my employable skills. Over time this site will morph into my blog platform for sharing projects, research, and urban gardening tips.


Change through lobbying, community organizing, and administrative complaints.

Acquisition and communication of digital data and public information.

Data Management

Nonprofit Leader

Team building and organizational planning, oversight, and administration.

Diverse Professional & Academic Experience; Interdisciplinary

Diverse Professional & Academic Experience; Interdisciplinary

While a community’s diverse interests can make it stronger, it is the shared interests that can bring a community together. I have found that even within communities divided over a particular project, there are common grounds upon which agreement can be found – so long as we are willing to listen and give a little.

I have helped build relationships among residents, businesses, and nongovernmental organizations. I am experienced in organizing advocacy campaigns and lobbying decision makers. 

I put data to work using tools such as Microsoft’s Excel and ESRI’s ArcMap, both capable resources for conducting analysis. To communicate data I employ various software programs in the Adobe Create Suite and I have dabbled in a range of html based platforms, including Mail Chimp and WordPress. 

I have worked with graphic designers to develop campaign materials, and in turn contracted with print shops and worked as the point person with local media (for running advertisements). 

The two things that I expect from government are fair processes and accountability. As a member on quasi-governmental boards, I acted to insure that the organizations were providing the opportunity for meaningful public input. While on these boards, my communications were subject to freedom of information (FOI) laws, and I complied faithfully when required to disclose records.

As a community member and NGO leader, I have used political and legal tools to protect interests subject to procedural violations and errors. I have filed FOI requests pursuant to federal and state law when it was necessary to better understand how our government agencies arrived at particular positions.  

I obtained my B.S. in Environmental Planning and Natural Resource Management from Humboldt State University. This program was split between courses in preparing environmental documents and conducting field work. While at the Sturm College of Law, I took coursework in administrative law, NEPA, public lands law, environmental law, water law, and land use law.

I spent most of my 20’s as a carpenter and general builder. I built a strong work ethic during this time, and became competent in reading construction plans and working with contractors. I have led clients through permitting processes. 

Areas of Experience

Urban Land Use

I have both engaged in and taken advanced courses in NEPA and land use planning processes. I am comfortable reviewing building and land use regulations, and speaking before decisionmaking bodies.

FOIA Requests

I am experienced in submitting FOIA requests, as well as state FOI requests. I have obtained FOIA fee waivers, appealed records denials, and filed for records available under narrow caselaw exceptions.

Environmental Justice

I am passionate about fighting for environmental justice, and bringing traditionally under represented persons into both planning and decisionmaking processes. My interdisciplinary skills lend themselves to EJ work.

Contact Me

    Graphic portrait of Jerry Dinzes

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